Dismissal of University Leaders Raises Accountability Bar
Dismissal of University Leaders Raises Accountability Bar (University World News, June 12, 2024) When the presidents of three public universities were dismissed based on poor financial audits, shock waves rippled through the higher education sector. Academic audits are commonly applied in the accreditation process for all types of institutions. Accreditation is exclusively instituted for private institutions, barring them from initiating and running programs without permission from the government.
New Cyprus Universities Law Could be a Game Changer (Cyprus Mail, June 1, 2024) Cyprus's cabinet will allow international university branches to operate in Cyprus, which could be a “game changer” for the island’s tertiary education. The Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education stated that the proposed legislative change would allow universities to establish a presence and operate independently, awarding degrees from their countries of origin.
Pursue Vocations that Contribute to Society (The Hindu, May 29, 2024) Addressing University at Neelakudi graduates. Chancellor of Central University of Tamil Nadu G. Padmanaban said the proposed system for accreditation marked a significant step forward in the evolution of higher education. It aimed to streamline the approval, accreditation, and ranking processes, ensuring simplicity, objectivity, and transparency.
NAAC to Launch Binary Accreditation System in June for Colleges Across India, Targets 90% Coverage Over 5 Years (News18.com, May 27, 2024) The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) is set to launch its new ‘binary accreditation’ system, which will replace existing multiple-grading assessments for colleges and universities across India. Binary accreditation is one of the major reforms to be implemented by NAAC. The binary system will focus more on processes, outcomes, and impact rather than on mere inputs from institutions.