New Rules of Engagement in Free Speech Battle

September 7, 2023


Accreditation: Tap Potential of Professional Associations (University World News, August 31, 2023) The Ethiopian Education and Training Authority is revising its accreditation frameworks based on the multifarious responsibilities it has been given. Specialized accrediting agencies and professional associations can provide programmatic accreditation. In serving this purpose, programmatic accreditation is assumed to facilitate entry into a given profession.

Cabinet approves Framework for Non-Jordanian Higher Education Institutions (, August 21, 2023) The objective of the framework for accrediting non-Jordanian higher education institutions and conducting equivalency assessments for 2023 degrees is to establish clear regulations governing the formation of accreditation and equivalency committees. It will streamline procedures for individuals seeking equivalency through the ministry‘s official website.

Centurion University of Technology and Management, Odisha, Accredited with NAAC A+ Grade for Excellence in Education  (India Education Diary, August 14, 2023) Centurion University of Technology and Management, Odisha, has been ranked A+ by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), which assesses and accredits higher education institutions based on quality parameters, including infrastructure, teaching-learning process, research, governance, and more.

New Rules of Engagement in Free Speech Battle (Times Higher Education, August 31, 2023) Revised freedom of speech guidelines are pushing universities to be more active in heading off problems before they start. The rules of engagement only work when everyone agrees with them. It is one thing to defend values. But it is another when they are used to attack an institution’s accreditation, research funding, and its very future.